The Art of Poetry | Teen Ink

The Art of Poetry

October 29, 2018
By SilverMagic SILVER, Houston, Texas
SilverMagic SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Rejection is Protection" -Unknown

With each passing moment,

Poetry erupts somewhere around the world.

Through the words that wrap themselves around your finger,

And the urge to write them down overcomes you,

As you let your fingers drift across the page,

Letting your mind wander,

Letting the words show themselves as rhymes,

And proving themselves to be abstract as well as clear.

You let your eyes wander to the window as the sun and sky,

Cloud your view and the words show up like the stars at night.

Let your words reach the hearts of others,

And spread the fire that was initiated by your sparks,

Leaving them wanting more.  

The author's comments:

I hope people will find some inspriration from this piece and I hope they will find it in themselves to write. 

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