Rain | Teen Ink


December 10, 2019
By PavithraLella BRONZE, Berkeley, California
PavithraLella BRONZE, Berkeley, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the rain,

dropping myself,

piece by piece

Some people like me,

some people don't,

and if you don't,

then stay under cover,

no matter what i'll fall onto you

Those who do,

ill try my best to not drown you,

to not hurt you,

to not swallow you, 

If i do,

give me another chance,

I hurt you,

I help you,

balance me,

if you love me enough,

you’ll know how to forgive,

and balance both of my sides

block me,

I will still find a way,

an umbrella?

I fall right around you,

a hood?

I mean,

all you do is soak me up?

ill protect you,

cry with me,

no one will know,

I mean me and your tears are the same.

they don't understand how much I’m hurting,

every droplet i let fall,

I cry,

in order for you to get food,

in order to get through it,

in order to give you a chance,

I lose mine.

The author's comments:

I really love rain so I wrote how I feel towards rain.

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