The Song of Night | Teen Ink

The Song of Night

September 19, 2021
By Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
24 articles 45 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If they strain me up tight, why, let 'em look out! I can't bear it, and I won't.” ---- Black Beauty

My appearance may be dark
But my colour doesn't define me
I am a beautiful element
Just try and see it with your heart
I show you what day cannot
Day only shows you a plain sky
But I allow you
To peek into the Solar System
See the endless stars
Embedded like diaminds in the sky
I am too quiet
So the world believes I bring ghosts
But that is not true! Never!
You cannot hear 
The soft rustling leaves
Or the swooshing wind
Or the chirping crickets during the day
Because the world is too busy and noisy
Hear them in my presence
And enjoy the harmony of nature
So this is my song
Which I made to make you understand
That I am night, friend of peace
Who should never be considered worthless

The author's comments:

Everyone, or most people, consider day to be the brightest time. Night is a time foe spooky stories and going to haunted houses. But night too has its own beauty, which goes unseen by many people.

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