"If Anything Happens" | Teen Ink

"If Anything Happens"

March 17, 2023
By christinamav18 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
christinamav18 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If anything happens I love you
the words
yet they don’t.
our last words sank-
sank our hearts
weighed them

what if they were our last words.

My mom is an owl
wiser than most
quiet but not ever silent.
kind with the drive to help her children
in need.

My father is like a cloud
comfortable and strong
he holds his children like a raindrop,
keeping me safe and sound.
When I’m fully formed
he’ll let me go
pitter patter
pitter patter
Dropping me into the world.


If anything happens
I’ll never forget
your voice like an ocean
Crashing and rolling,
Salty but sweet.
Your smile is a sun
Beams of hope to everyone you meet
piece me together
our hearts will be one.

If anything happens
from the minute I was born
you nourished me like I was a flower
You guided me like a shining star to a sailor
The brightness blinding me,
As the cool night air rushes by my ears

If anything happens
time marches
And soon you will be old
What comes next after that?
Will the wrinkles on your face be paper,
or lines hard as a rock?

If anything happens
“Tomorrow is a new day.”
You told me millions of times
I’m sorry for my wrongs
I don’t know if I can ever make them

If anything ever happens, mom,
If anything ever happens, dad,
My love for you is space,
And space never ends.

The author's comments:

I am Christina from a small town in Massachusetts and I am thirteen years old.  I wrote this poem to symbolize my love for my parents, I will forever worry for them, and admire their unconditional love for me and my siblings.

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