Dear Mom | Teen Ink

Dear Mom

September 4, 2023
By libraryghost PLATINUM, Lynnwood, Washington
libraryghost PLATINUM, Lynnwood, Washington
32 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one really understands each other. We're all just stuck inside ourselves." Aza, Turtles All the Way Down

Dear mom

I tell you about my insomnia. 

You say of course I don't have insomnia.

I tell you about my anxiety.
You tell me of course I don't have anxiety.

I say I don't like fish,

You say 'yes you do.'

I hint at my depression.

You call me a 'good girl.'

My throat starts swelling when I eat shrimp.

You say 'you're not really allergic.'

I take a benadryl.

But there is no pill

For the sympathy you'll never give me.

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