BANG | Teen Ink


September 29, 2023
By marshBum BRONZE, Summerfield, North Carolina
marshBum BRONZE, Summerfield, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sell the bullets but not the BANG’s so 

when I sold my wares I’m not aware 

of the six BANG’s and the six kids in front of them. 

I’ve been in school and I’ve been a kid, 

but I’m also an American and my freedom 

is worth more than the children’s fear. 

The kid was an illusion. I sensed no aura of insanity. 

His macabre sense of style, grim nature, and vie for BANG’s

did not offput me from selling to an American. And apparently 

it was not off putting to his teachers, his peers, his 

invisible friends, or invisible parents. 

What I sold was sleek, clean, and simple. The BANG’s were 

loud, quick, and bloody. The glass wasn’t strong enough 

for one round and neither were the kids. The blood flowing 

across the classroom does not flow to my hands. 

My eyes saw no evil and heard no BANG’s. 

If we wish for true safety let the children hold what is 

killing them. Unabashed freedom means no more fear, right? 

Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are fundamental. 

Are we forgetting what we deserve? I deserve this. 

Let the bullets and the BANG’s continue. Let the children fear.

The author's comments:

As an American high school student I am faced with constant pressing fear that I will be caught in a school shooting. This poem is about that fear and about the hundreds killed from gun violence. The poem is set in the perspective of a man who sold the gun that a school shooter used. My hope is that this poem will express the injustice of the deaths from school shootings and the major problem that is gun violence in America. 

Thank you so much for reading. 

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