Just A Friend | Teen Ink

Just A Friend

September 29, 2023
By Anonymous

In the quiet spaces between our words,
Where friendship's boundaries blur and fade,
I find myself lost in a labyrinth of emotions,
A journey into depths I never dared to wade.

I know it's wrong, this path I tread,
For friendship's sake, I should withdraw,
But love, relentless and unbidden,
Has lit a fire I cannot ignore.

You see, I never planned for this,
To feel more than friendship's warm embrace,
Yet my heart refuses to obey,
As it longs for a different kind of place.

I wish I could be just a friend,
To banish these desires that persist,
But truth be told, I've tried and failed,
For you, my dear, I can't resist.

It's not fair to you, I understand,
To be trapped in this emotional tide,
But I can't deny what's in my heart,
Even when I know it's not right.

So, here I stand, exposed and raw,
Caught between what's real and what's pretend,
For I've come to realize, my dear,
I love you as more than just a friend.

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