read the label | Teen Ink

read the label

October 1, 2023
By noe_gohl BRONZE, Andover, Minnesota
noe_gohl BRONZE, Andover, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


i did it again

i was doing so well

this past month

and then


i woke up late and

missed breakfast

i didn’t even notice

lunch rolled around

but i wanted to 

save my money for dinner later

but then i was crying on the curb

with that literal hollow feeling

i hate so much but 

can’t seem to stop loving

and everyone was watching

i couldn’t stand 

i was so dizzy

i could barely see

and i couldn’t even 

eat a chip

because everyone was watching

and today

i opened the fridge for




nothing even sounded

remotely appetizing

i made so much progress

over the past month

just to wake up this morning

unable to eat a bowl of cereal


checking the back of the f*cking box

The author's comments:

This poem is about my struggle with an eating disorder that no one in my life really knows about and writing has really just helped me process my feelings and work on healing. 

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