Josey Submission for Publication | Teen Ink

Josey Submission for Publication

October 2, 2023
By Anonymous

I've always been afraid of the ocean.  
Even when I was a little girl.  
The sun shimmering on the water, 
 not being able to see what is below you.  
The sand sweeping beneath you  
while sand fleas and blood worms crawl upon your legs.  
The smell of overpowering musts  
and piles of garbage that humans left behind.  
I take a step forward 
The sand sinks my cold, boney toes 
The brine, salty water makes its way up on me. 
As I sink deeper into the ocean 
My mind wonders aimlessly. 
Thinking about the creatures that lie below me.  
They can see me, but I cannot see them. 
The turquoise and white waves splashing me  
I take another step.  
And another, 
Inching my way deeper into the sharks and whale's ecosystem 
Maybe the ocean is not as bad as I thought 
Or maybe this is the worst idea I have ever had. 
That could be. 

The author's comments:

My family and I went to the beach for vacation

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