Still Alone | Teen Ink

Still Alone

October 2, 2023
By Zuricb97 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Zuricb97 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a sea of faces, I'm lost in the crowd

Surrounded by voices, but oh so proud

I'm enveloped in laughter, yet I feel no joy

My heart is heavy, my spirit employ


I see smiling faces, but they don't see me

Their eyes are closed, their hearts are free

They're living their lives, but I'm not there

I'm trapped in this world, without a care


I'm surrounded with people, but I'm alone

A stranger in a room, a heart of stone

I search for a friend, but they're nowhere to be found

I'm lost in this world, without a sound.


I’m surrounded by people and friends, yet I still feel alone.

The author's comments:

The feeling of being Alone 

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