Quiet | Teen Ink


October 2, 2023
By maramhdd BRONZE, Pacific Grove, California
maramhdd BRONZE, Pacific Grove, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Quiet are the fears
you think,
disguised as thoughts.

Quiet are the libraries
and the books
you read.

If you stay quiet,
I’ll stay quiet, too.

So, Quiet is equal and fair.

Quiet is yelling.
But, it also comes after the storm,
the soft wind refreshing a rushing mind after the disaster.

But, Quiet is also the
dark tunnel with
no light at the end.

Quiet is a drive,
it’s a desire,
a crime,
a love.

And, if quiet is what you want
then, I want it too.

Quiet is everything,
yet we fill it with noise.

Quiet is good.
Quiet is evil.
Quiet has you sulking and
drowning yourself in tears.
Quiet makes you—


—silent for a couple of lines.

The author's comments:

it's a little ironic because this poem is definitely NOT quiet. 

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