ode to the monster under my bed | Teen Ink

ode to the monster under my bed

October 3, 2023
By meerajhaveri BRONZE, Union City, California
meerajhaveri BRONZE, Union City, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

hot sheets slide between these legs

as limbs twist painfully in sheets

im tied down in the dark

labored breaths trailing off

and then

glowing white eyes bore into my own

I have no choice but to yield myself to her

As her soft gray fingers stroke my collarbones

We smile in unison, our breaths feathering gently together

I love this creature

Saving me from the starvation of loneliness night after night

In this broken down house,

The monster under my bed is my best friend, my mother, my lover 

Keeping me sane and sound

against the crash of waves against the walls of this prison

She is a beautiful creature, this thing, with leathery wings keeping me warm

Protecting me from this thunderstorm.

i smile lovingly

waiting for my love,

the monster under my bed

to claim me as hers

once again.

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