all the things that could go wrong | Teen Ink

all the things that could go wrong

October 3, 2023
By ria_agrawal BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ria_agrawal BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Swaying our hands in the rain,

we fell in love with each other’s pains:

the asynchrony of our bodies

moving in and out from the waist,

the promise of being a mere fantasy away.

Gazing into each other’s eyes,

we fell in love with every butterfly:

the spontaneous reaction of our hearts

molding their shape to fill the other’s parts,

the comfort of hers beating next to mine

in such soft  lullabies.

There came a moment we couldn’t resist,

and we stepped outside to be drenched in this.

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