Momma | Teen Ink


October 4, 2023
By samanthaseyboth BRONZE, Waycross, Georgia
samanthaseyboth BRONZE, Waycross, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am 17 years olds.

You’ve stayed 39.

You stay 39 because I have been stealing your years,

by taking your moments.

Only the moments intended for you.

And you sleep on the mantle letting me.

I will grieve your seconds for you, since you aren’t able to.

And I will live through your spirit, 

so I can finish your life for you. 

And you sleep on the mantle letting me.

And when I move on,

I’ll be betraying all of your hard work. 

The work you put into raising me.

It’ll wear off when I become an adult.

I’ll no longer be the memory you last had of me. 

And you sleep on the mantle letting me. 

-Samantha Seyboth

The author's comments:

This is about my mother who passed away from cancer in 2020. This poem represent me having to go through my teen years and future without her. 

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