Ocean exploration | Teen Ink

Ocean exploration

October 10, 2023
By Anonymous

With the wind in  my hair and the salt in the air I stare out into the ocean,  wondering what could be out there? 

All the dolphins and whales 

All the coral and kelp 

But there is much more to explore and I want to help

I'll get a submarine and go into the ocean depths hoping to find an animal not discovered yet

I could find a puffershark or a man eating crab

My imagination would go mad

A seahorse you could ride on, A fish with 6 eyes or even a turtle the size of a dime

All these animals could exist but how could we know 

Humans should focus on what’s sustains our planet instead of 7 others that are there for show 

So let’s take a break from going to mars and let's explore the vast water that lies under our stars  

The author's comments:

This is a poem about a little kid that wants to learn more about the ocean.

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