Nightmares | Teen Ink


October 10, 2023
By Thomas1511 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Thomas1511 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Calm winds blow,

Houses shake,

Screams fill the air

As children are still awake.

I close my eyes,

In horror and fright,

As I know what vile creature

comes out at night.

These children don’t know what comes next,

Eyes watch and boards creak,

As something emerges in my dreams

without a squeak,

Then I hear it loud and clear,

As it draws near and near,

Giving chase even though I know it’s fake.

Run, Run my head screams,

Oh so eloquently,


It ransacks my brain, 

As I still scream in vain,

 As I succumb to the dream.

I wake up sweating,

 Was it a lucid dream?

As I remember those eyes,

That was so near to me.

The author's comments:

I am in 8th Grade

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