A Beautiful Time | Teen Ink

A Beautiful Time

October 10, 2023
By NT-Creator BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
NT-Creator BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of the most perfect things in the world.

Better than any human attempt at perfection. 

So so beautiful

And so magnificent it is breathtaking

Like you are jumping a cliff.

Yet it is all in your mind and eyes

Taking in such a gorgeous scene.

They way the cool breeze whips across my face,

Reminding me trees are changing their pallets

And the birds start to make their great trip south.

And sooner before later,

Unique white crystals will start to fall from the sky.

Such and exciting time of year

Dressing up as whatever you desire.

And the next thing you know,

You're stuffing yourself with a turkey dinner.

Such a beautiful time of year,

Where everything is changing.

This is fall.

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