Recess | Teen Ink


October 11, 2023
By gyovan14 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
gyovan14 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I miss being young and free,

My only worry was who I was going to play with at recess.

I miss running outside on the playground,

The slide that always burned me while going down. 

I miss the sound of the squeaky swings.

I miss running,

I miss the smell of mulch,

The mulch getting inside the soles of my gym shoes. 

I miss trying to get all the way across the monkey bars without falling.

The sound of kids screaming.

Most of all I miss being young, 

Having no responsibilities,

Being carefree about anything and everything.

I miss recess.

I crave the sweet satisfaction of recess. 

The author's comments:

I am a senior in high school now and time has flown by, it feels like just yesterday I was going across the monkey bars. Our class had to create a poem about something that we craved so I chose recess because I miss being young and having no worries. I wished I could have said goodbye to the playground one last time. 

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