Red | Teen Ink


October 12, 2023
By MadisonAguero23 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
MadisonAguero23 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


A soft beige color

The smell of clean laundry and freshly baked bread

Her feeling of security captured in every corner 

A carnival

A seemingly-infinite array of radiant flashing colors

The sweet aroma of buttery popcorn and cotton candy 

Laughter bellows and her face is plastered with a smile

The park

Blues and reds and yellows

Balmy air and morning dew 

The imprint of her feet running forever stuck in the sand

The backyard

A luscious green

The nostalgic smell of freshly-cut grass

The swing set she swung on; memories engraved in the wood



The smell of gunpowder.

She runs with the masses of her peers rushing the hallways in the last seconds of her life.

Why can't school be a different color?

The author's comments:

This piece highlights the current national crisis of school shootings.

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