paris | Teen Ink


October 15, 2023
By Anonymous

je ne pense pas que je te reverrai un jour

i was walking through the city yesterday

trailing behind me were two drifting voices

trumpeting the quick rhetoric of your tongue

smooth inflection gliding around the insides of my head

deep vowels and ringing consonants knocking on my memories

i don’t think of you often

but for a moment you were behind me

i will turn and whisper some witty remark

you will respond one more

twisting your voice to fit mine 

tangling in the r of my name

i went to paris

pretended it was you on every street corner

quietly called your name on a bustling sidewalk

the language made me remember

but without the tenor of your tone

the resounding confidence

i was never able to feel you again

time to settle for the romance of the tongue

and live in mundane reminiscence

parce que je sais que je ne te reverrai plus jamais

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