I Pinky Promise | Teen Ink

I Pinky Promise

October 16, 2023
By Anonymous

In a society full of evil and hatred,

Where relationships are constantly neglected,

There lies an unspoken bond so timeless, 

A pinky promise of yours and mine.

On my right pinky finger lies a small gold band,

Where my finger was once intertwined with yours.

The thick banded ring engraved with our names,

“Calla” and “Caroline”,

And a small depiction of our solemn gesture,

Promising to hold on forever.

Innocence is braided delicately through our veins, 

Swirling through our blood as our heart beats 100 times per minute,

As our trust in each other builds,

Staying within the confinement of our shackles.

My best friend, 

A girl so pure and innocent in her intentions,

Someone who holds the golden key to my thoughts.

A large piece of my heart remains beating in this piece of metal forever.

I pinky promise to never forget you. 

I pinky promise to think about you 100 times over,

Each time my heart beats, 

Each time I breathe.

I pinky promise. 

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