I as in Me | Teen Ink

I as in Me

October 17, 2023
By izzy_thurm BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
izzy_thurm BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I as in me,

in the sense I spew spitfire unapologetically,

left clear cast shadows of what I meant to say

plastered on the foundations of who we are.

I as in we, 

I stand by those who stand by me

trust may be lost but loyalty shall stay

loyal to a fault like the damned dog I am.

I as in myself,

I let judgement take stranglehold

and while freedom beckons and I may take a step towards,

I stay put. 

But I as in you,

eye as in the view you use to see me

coke bottle glasses cloud perception of who I am,

distortment and distanglement like vines through stone.

You see me through crevasses and coke,

I see you through spitfire and slobber.


I as in me,

with you as its view.

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