Uriel | Teen Ink

Uriel MAG

October 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Uriel, you have such a way with words.

Poignant breath escapes

the vents of your mind

only to feed on every last heart-


You spoke so easily,

so tenderly with a voice

laced in memories of what we

were — what we could have been.

And like all the Others, I fell for it all the same.

I touched your lips —

painted by the cold air

with the muddy bluish shade

of a blooming bruise —

and half expected you to breath

warmth into my mouth.

Yet you tore It out from me,

every last bit,

Until I was left with nothing but

a chest of rotten treasures

and the wisps of smoky

dreams that Elpis bestowed.

But nevertheless, my final wish now

is to be born as Myself again,

so that we would meet in

another life, and I would bleed

in that terrifyingly perfect way

once more.

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