Love Through All | Teen Ink

Love Through All

October 18, 2023
By raelynn_schm BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
raelynn_schm BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Let us love each other until our last breaths,

Until our lives of color turn gray and dull,

Until the only light I see is you smiling at me,

Until our freshly painted house is chipping,

Until our hands are covered in wrinkles.

Let us love each other even when we’re angry,

Even when we don’t know how to move on,

Even when we sleep in different rooms,

Even when we haven’t had a date in months,

Even when compromise seems impossible.

Let us love each other despite our differences,

Despite the ways that we grew up, 

Despite our paths drifting apart sometimes,

Despite our parents saying we would never work,

Despite our deepest secrets and greatest flaws.

Let us love each other through the darkest times,

Through the most unforgiving waters,

Through the harsh words and angry glares,

Through the sicks days and hospital visits,

Through every door of opportunity. 

Let us love each other until our last breaths. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a message about what I hope love is and what it could be for me in the future. It's like a promise that no matter what you will love each other forever which is the kind of love I hope for. 

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