Spanish Wells | Teen Ink

Spanish Wells

October 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Spanish Wells…

small population with kind people

makes me never want to leave.

Skies always blue, puts us in a good mood

Water as clear glass as we jump in it makes a huge splash

Sand so soft as it gets into all the creases of your feet

The sun beams onto me, leaving red all over me

The beauty of nature goes as far as the eyes can see.

“Let me stay in this paradise for a while, please” ?


Our  family all together was all that we could need…

Laughs and relaxation was the only thing I could see

As so much happiness fills inside me

I look to nature and appreciate all its beauty

The author's comments:

This is about a trip that meant a lot to me and my mom and was a way to connect  with nature.

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