In the Shadows | Teen Ink

In the Shadows

October 18, 2023
By valeriee_73 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
valeriee_73 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There’s no one watching

I tell myself

I just can’t stop thinking that someone is there

There is someone there

She’s watching

She makes my life horrible

Always pushing me down

Making me do things I don’t want to do

She’s horrible

Except she has saved me multiple times

I should be grateful but I can’t

She made me run away

Everyone I love was pushed away

I couldn’t see myself anymore

I just saw her

She was everywhere

I can’t escape

She’s my scape

The author's comments:

Domestic abuse inspired me to write this because it's a difficult thing to go through, I would like to raise awareness about domestic abuse and what it does to a person. I hope that people will better understand what it means to be abused by a partner. In this story, this person is trying to run away from their abuser but they just can't. I would like to let people who are being abused know that they are not alone. 

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