A Peaceful Par Four | Teen Ink

A Peaceful Par Four

October 19, 2023
By Anonymous

As I drive the golf car onto the course

I begin to feel one with my surroundings

birds singing all around me 

as I look at the lush green fairway

I step off the cart 

and feel the damp grass beneath my feet

as the cool breeze presses against my face

I step into the tee box

and set up for my first drive

feeling calm with nature surrounding me

I begin my swing

and the ball connects with the driver

as it begins to whistle through the air 

like wind before a storm

it soars perfectly between the oak trees lining the fairway

I hear a soft pat

as the ball lands on the squishy, damp grass

around the fall leaves carpeting the ground

just right of the fairway

I find the ball and line up for my second stroke

a soft swing back and forth

as the iron cuts the blades of grass like a knife

the ball gracefully floats through the air like a bumblebee

as it descends it lands gently on the green 

And rolls right into the hole

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