My little world | Teen Ink

My little world

October 19, 2023
By Anonymous

I don't quite understand,

The meaning of definition,

The intended meanings,

The forced definitions,

A roomful of strangers,

We let out our monsters,

And watched them run across the classroom,

And laughed at our demons,

But they never went away. 

Seven bright lights,

And three were out,

The reflection on the floors,

Clear but so muddled,

Told to create,

And to create what we’re told.

Brutal silence,

Pencils on paper,

Fingers on phones. 

Can you believe,

What you are told that you see?

Not I,

Not me.

The author's comments:

This is a more unusual poem that I wrote, one that describes a mixture of a classroom and my imagination. When the lines blur a little, it get almost scary. 

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