Peace In The Dark | Teen Ink

Peace In The Dark

October 19, 2023
By Lulu-Dreamer BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
Lulu-Dreamer BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I lay, staring up at nothing 

It seems so relaxing 

All the noise of the day has gone away 

The shining light from the sun and heat from the day 

Have turned into the beauty of the moon and Cold of the night 

The heavy sheets and blankets that spread 

The Blankets wrap in a warm hug 

The icy pillow that rests at the top

The mattress that asks to be used and swallow you whole  

*creak* the slight movements one makes to get comfortable slowly sway and fade

*creak* The movements made to stay awake start to fade 

Soon silence takes hold

Darkness usually filled with fear now filled with the bliss of nothing 

The songs of birds have hushed to questions of owls 

Stories of old come to light to hush the sleeping giant 

What we lay on starts to feel as soft as the clouds in the sky 

As the world starts to rock 

The eyes become as heavy as the boulder of sisyphus 

Forever fighting to keep the eyes viewing nothing in the dark 

Only to fail and let the eyes fall 

Limbs halt movement as if stuck in a rat trap 

Mind follows relaxing and letting go as if in lagoon 

Then the conscious retreats to a place unknown not to be seen till morning light 

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