Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

October 19, 2023
By Anonymous

I just sit  at home every day 

or lay on my bed everyday 

staring at my ceiling thinking about life, 

looking at old memories on my phone. 

Thinking about how life changed so much. 

I used to be happy but now I feel like I am changing., 

most likely in a good way

because I want to change the way I look 

because I feel that I am discriminated against 

everywhere I go. 

I noticed in life you really have to fake it 

Life is annoying sometimes 

because there's ups and downs. 

Sometimes you feel like you're on top of that mountain 

and you've made it for good. 

But other times nothing is going your way 

and you start from the bottom of the mountain again. 

I came from a long way 

but I feel like I've been reset a million times.

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