Free | Teen Ink


October 19, 2023
By aspen_hc BRONZE, Porter Ranch, California
aspen_hc BRONZE, Porter Ranch, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once surrounded by the heaviness, 

by the glistening forests of metal

by the screeching sounds of the world

buzzing in your ears

the voices that won’t leave,

but finally

running free towards the open fields, the nature

to the colors that sway in unison

among the soft bristles of green

dancing in the glowing light

with the rustling leaves of orange and red

that fall and float

as the world shivers and shakes

with the weight it has been burdened 


The light dims

and the sky turns to burning fire

swatches of a fiery palette 

among the gentle blots of white


the moon awakens

and reveals her pale face 

into the quiet of the night

as the tired sun sleeps soundly

lying among the insects and birds

an ear to the mossy ground

listening to the world’s heartbeat

the sound of silence


once, everything moved so fast

and now, the slow, steady rhythm joins mine

feeling Earth’s breath

swelling up and down

close my eyes

and I am free

The author's comments:

This piece was written during a time when I felt that my life was moving extremely fast and I couldn't quite grasp everything that was happening to me. However, I found myself being able to express the sort of feeling I longed for through this poem. Using smaller details to really elongate a simple scene helped to slow down the state of my mind in a world that went by so quickly. Anytime I read this poem now, it helps me to calm down and be grateful for the little things in life, as well as the simple beautiful ways of nature. 

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