i like boys | Teen Ink

i like boys MAG

October 19, 2023
By Gh0stface BRONZE, Modesto, California
Gh0stface BRONZE, Modesto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

i like boys

but not any boys

the boys who can recall every event from a movie like star trek

the boys who have a comic book addiction

the boys who are way too smart for their own good

the boys who aren't upset that they are "weird"

i like boys

but not any boys

the boys who have a lisp or glasses

the boys who wear superhero t-shirts

the boys who has bed hair all the time

the boys who don't understand sarcasm 

i like boys

but not any boys

the boys who have concerningly good hygiene

the boys who send good morning texts

the boys who would laugh with you when you make corny poems for him

the boys who know a lot about technology

i like boys

but not any boys

the boys who would trade soda can tabs for kisses with you

the boys who would cry with you while watching wall-e

the boys who would sing loudly with you in the car just because

the boys who would read books with me for fun

these are the boys i like

the boys who put in the effort

because boys are amazing

you just have to find a good one

The author's comments:

this is about your type being a comic book boy=]

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