The Love Is Overrated | Teen Ink

The Love Is Overrated

October 22, 2023
By ssonyaasha BRONZE, Saint Petersburg, Other
ssonyaasha BRONZE, Saint Petersburg, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The love is overrated”.

That is what I used to say

And if you asked me if I felt something for someone

I would say: No! For God’s sake!

But the truth is - I’m scared.

And if to like is to love,

My dreams won’t ever be shared.

I was a child when I first been betrayed

“Children being children” - they said.

I don’t want to feel after all

I’ve done it to many limes to truly be feeling falled

If I was in love you would see it through my eyes,

You would feel it through my hugs,

But you asked me “let’s date” like I’m not even worth

The extra syllables you’d need to try to say.

I’ve made you a person who doesn’t exist.

The love is overrated, I guess.

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