Perfection | Teen Ink


October 23, 2023
By staddy123 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
staddy123 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is perfection

And why do I feel the need to surpass it

Push the limit 

Even when I am at my limit

Do better

Even where there's nothing left to do

Be stronger 

Even when I have nothing left

What is perfection

And when will I become it 

When will I be enough to relax

When will I be enough to take a break

When will I be enough to put myself first

When will I be enough

What is perfection

Enough for myself 

And how do I reach it

Why am I never perfect enough

Why do I feel the need to be on top of the world

Even when I’m drowning

What is perfection?

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