Colorful on the outside droughted on the inside | Teen Ink

Colorful on the outside droughted on the inside

October 25, 2023
By AYVRE BRONZE, Plainville, Kansas
AYVRE BRONZE, Plainville, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨Just because they are mean to me dose not mean im going to be weak and be mean back... I was taught to be the bigger person.¨

I am a Tulip

Sweet and kind 

I look forward to the rain

Flowers never worry when it rains.

But sometimes it doesn’t rain

When it doesn’t I do not get what I need

What I need is water to grow

To become the best version of myself

On the outside I might look colorful and healthy 

But on the inside my petals are in a drought 

Like they have not felt water in years 

I can hear them.. 

Telling me to give them what they need

But I do not know what they need

I feel like I give my petals everything,

The whole chlorophyll of my essence..

But I guess I do not

Without the rain storms I am nothing

I need the rain

I will wait for the rain to come

And I will keep waiting 

And waiting

And waiting...

While I wait  

I think about who and what I am 

Is this who I really am? Is this truely what I am?

I think so hard on this that I do not even remember my name

I am so confused  

Who am I?

What am I?

Why do I feel the way I do?

Why do I think so much?

I just want this feeling and  everything to stop

I want the bees to stop taking my nectar

Yet, I like it when the bees need me

I'm important to the bees, that's why they come around…

without the bees there would be no me…

They fuel my soul.

I want the wind to stop.

I despise when its windy 

And it gets so windy 

To the point my roots almost come out of the ground

But it does help my pollen, my little packet of thoughts, drift away  

I am a Tulip

Colorful on the outside

Droughted on the inside 

I hope and pray that it rains someday soon

So I can get the nourishment I need

The author's comments:

This piece took me a month to write with the help of my Theatre Teacher. I am talking about my emotions here but feel free to take it in anyway you would like.

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