Return to Fire | Teen Ink

Return to Fire

October 28, 2023
By Anonymous

She sits at the airport waiting for a bus
Her long, ginger hair, is knotted with tangles
Her clothes stink of smoke and flames
She has a story, a long one to say
They call her the storyteller on the corner
She has no one to tell her story to
So, she writes it out on the concrete
She writes out her life for all to see
But none appreciate its beauty but me
She was born in a broken home and was left all alone
Except for her brother who called fire because of how stubborn she was
She used to be vibrant before he left
One night her house lit in flames
Her brother died that night in the ash and flames
She still goes to his grave
She wandered around before settling in the city
Then she met a man who was pretty
She fell in love, but he didn’t
She was back to the start with no one to love
So she settled on the streets where she felt she belonged
I can catch her dancing in the moonlight, alone
She holds out her arms, waiting for a partner
So I joined her
We waltzed the night away in the moonlight city
And when dawn came, she became fire once more

The author's comments:

This poem is mysterious and captures the feeling of longing. 

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