Take me back | Teen Ink

Take me back

October 30, 2023
By NateW0828 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
NateW0828 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Take me 

to abracadabra

And peekaboo

And the tag

To the trick-or-treat

Take me back 

To the play dates

And birthday partys

To the pizza partys at school 

To the egg hunts on easter

And feeding the reindeer

To waking up on Christmas

And seeing the cookies Santa ate 

To playing in the snow

And making forts in the cold

And snowmen

And trick or treating

To the fun times 

At airtime 

To staying up late 

With friends

To recess competitive  football

And basketball

To go back

And do it again.

The author's comments:

this poem is kind of me writing about all the good things from when i was a kid i and wishing that i could just go back to it and do it again

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