Cycle of Life | Teen Ink

Cycle of Life

October 30, 2023
By Anonymous

In life there are many things to experience.

Everyone goes through different things.

Some will share the experience of grief.

“My mom died from a drug overdose”,

“My dad died too, I was little when he was hit by a truck on the way back home from work”.

They sit in silence replaying the moment they found out their parent died, 

from different ways.

Life can be bad but isn’t for all, so some will debate.

They will debate and show you life can be bad by committing suicide and leaving their presence behind.

A boy is an orphan, he is 16 and always thinks to himself at night.

“Why am I here?”

“What's my purpose?”

“Why does my life have to be this way?”

“Why did God choose this life for me?”.

Tears ran down his cheeks like a fast flowing river.

That boy is always saddened and angered by those thoughts, 

He thinks maybe ending his life is the best way to escape.

He thinks maybe he’ll be reborn into a better one.

A girl goes home everyday from school, as she does homework she knows her dad will be home.

She hates her dad, but she hates herself more.

Her dad abuses her everyday, mentally and physically. 

He’s her dad, but a bad one.

She thinks that maybe she’s better off dead.

The author's comments:

I like to write about experiences.

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