Breaking Platonic | Teen Ink

Breaking Platonic

October 30, 2023
By vanesza_lk BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
vanesza_lk BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stay in my heart, but get out of my head

This is not how you are supposed to think of a friend

I could stare at you for hours, again and again

But I don't know what I want to happen

Some of the things you say I don't know how to take

It sounds like flirting but maybe thats a mistake

I could hand you my heart and you would hold it

But are our intentions strictly platonic

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem when I was in a talking stage with a guy friend I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay friends with or ruin a friendship for. We both had feelings, but our attraction competed with hesitations leaving me confused, eventually leading to this poem. When we started breaking platonic I think we both started to realize if you really connect with someone, you don't want to go through highschooler relationship drama with them, so we stayed friends. Even though it now seems we have everything figured out, I still sometimes feel as confused as I was writing this poem about what exactly we were thinking and feeling; Thinking back on all the cute things we told each other while in a talking stage while today being gratefully that we didn't loose it all to a kiss or a short highschooler fling. Standings gratefully for our platonic friendship. 

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