I, The Grim Reaper | Teen Ink

I, The Grim Reaper

November 3, 2023
By IsaiahCurry BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
IsaiahCurry BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How the peoples call me the Grim Reaper,

How all the people flinch at my namesake,


Doth ye still believe I am not your life’s keeper?


Upon green and gold fields I gaze,

Regretfully wielding my burden.

I am Grim,

 because of the scythe bestowed to me to raise.


Tattered black shadows clothe me to the bone,

Leaving me cold as thou art in winter.

I shiver,

For ye in the grave are as I am alone.


Other angels carry ye to your heaven or hell,

Whilst I sorrowfully reap ye from budding fields.

I am Autumn,

Drifting your leaves down Earth’s dark well.


How the peoples call me the Grim Reaper,

How I flinch at the thought of taking what ye hold dear.

I wait,

For the time when ye understand me as your life’s keeper.

The author's comments:

I am a senior at Oak Ridge High School, and am looking into poetry.

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