Insomnia | Teen Ink


November 4, 2023
By 204959 BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
204959 BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sunlight awaits, flipping back and forth throughout the night dreading the moment that daylight will dawn. The next morning is to be an early one but the more that I focus on sleep the more I toss from side to side. This happens a lot so at this point I know what to expect. The next morning I get up and with dread I pack my lunch and go to school. I want to get some sleep but I can’t seem to fall asleep at night. I attend all of my classes with an empty stomach after being rushed out the door with two hours of sleep at most. I finally make it to lunch and I am relieved only to get sent back to the same classes I had two days before as everyday blends together. I still dread the morning but the cycle continues to repeat and to my displeasure sunlight awaits once again. 

The author's comments:

For many years I had a very hard time sleeping due to stress and now I have gotten over that issue.

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