Silence in the Room | Teen Ink

Silence in the Room

November 7, 2023
By Anonymous

There sits a girl in the front during the 3rd and 4th hour.

She listens as the teacher asks the class a question.

She watches the teacher look around for an answer.

No one says a word.

She panics thinking of a response.

She hates seeing the teacher sit in silence while teenagers avoid eye contact.

There she sits at lunch 6th hour

Happy to be around people she likes.

Talking about sports, school, the test next hour.

She gets to eat her mom’s homemade pumpkin muffins.

Not one wave of sadness goes through her mind. 

There sits a girl in the 7th hour by the wall.

The teacher asks the class to repeat after her.

Two small voices respond.

Sadness fills her mood.

She went to school with her teacher's son.

Her heart aches as the classroom grows silent.

But she's scared to say the wrong answer.

Why can't everyone just follow directions…

She thinks in her head. 

There sits a girl in the 8th hour right in front of the class.

Laughing, asking questions, talking. 

Her mood doesn't stay the same throughout the day.

The teacher asks a question and she shoots her hand up.

Not scared of anyone's opinion. 

She goes home after school.

She takes a quick nap, goes to the gym, and does homework.

She has dinner with her family and talks about her day. 

Goes to the gym with her mom and talks away. 

Why does her mood change so much throughout the day?

Why is she so empathetic to teachers but still doesn’t respond?

She doesn't even know the answer. 

She wishes she could be bubbly and smiley at school.

She wants to fill the holes in teachers' hearts when the room doesn't respond. 

But she just doesn't know how.

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