How Our Souls Dance | Teen Ink

How Our Souls Dance

November 7, 2023
By DejaW BRONZE, Hazel Crest, Illinois
DejaW BRONZE, Hazel Crest, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She looked like art.

How our souls danced

The beauty of my soul lies between the stars of another life time somewhere up above the midnight sky

The beauty of my heart makes the rays of the sun shine so bright striking down other human beings as they look at me

As every other human walks past me with a slight glance to the right, and a quick up and down stare.

You looked at me with full attention and a intriguing glance that brought peace into my mind.

We stopped, we stared, and we smiled. But even with that slight altercation we kept walking. But though our eyes lost sight of each other, our souls stayed connected.

More and more each day i thought about you. I got dressed all cute, Did my hair and makeup just incase there was a slight chance we’d ever cross paths again, But we never did.

Days and months then years and decades went on, still no sight of you. My heart grew elderly and my eyes grew slower as they looked at every stranger hoping to see your face in at least one. But It never did

I began to lose hope, my heart sat silent on a dark grassy hill somewhere lost on the moon, My soul stopped dancing and my mind grew wild but then silent.

I fell into a deep dark hole looking for someone that I never even talked to but made me fall in love with a glance.

Is this true love i thought? One glance that can bring your soul to a dance? One smile that can make your heart jump and race for miles?

It seemed so true, but how can the world slow down as we stared into each other’s eyes?

I lost hope. I fell into another dimension full of despair, As I walk the city enjoying the night.

But then my heart jumped, my heart was pounding and racing. My soul was at a dance, but why I asked.

I looked around but then I felt this cold shiver from my spine all the way up to my neck back down to my finger tips.

I turn a bow face and see that beautiful smile, those beautiful stary eyes, and that intriguing look on your face.

My heart set out a beat for you as yours did for mine, and our souls danced with beauty into that dark stary night from another life time.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this was, there was a certain person I met that i’m still very close with. From a look of an eye to another I already felt like we’ve met before and I was obsessed with that feeling. Everyday I found ways to get closer to them and still to this day we have a bond like no other.

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