Living in Me | Teen Ink

Living in Me

November 8, 2023
By aline BRONZE, La Jolla, California
aline BRONZE, La Jolla, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are you listening?

Sans toi, froid est l’air

How’s the sky?

Could you show me where

You are right now

Do angels sing?

Do they fill your ears

While our eyes fill with tears 

Is your smile still the same

The brilliance I remember

Does your soul fill the heavens

From the ashes a glowing ember

If your light shines so bright

Could you send some down

To ease us from our plight

As we in our sorrows drown

As for me, you see

It’s impossible to believe 

That you’re gone.

How do birds fall from the clouds?

Wings trimmed, weak limbs

How is your silence so loud?

My god, you were everything

And I’m not talking in terms of bling

Authenticity is hard to find these days

But you implanted it in me in so many ways

You didn’t deserve to see the world like this

Lord, you fought so hard

The inequalities to discard

Matriarch supreme

You came out of the womb yelling

“Down with the patriarchy!”

You believed in a better world

You believed that peace could unfurl

So how is it fair

That you lost your hair

When there are so many out there

Who don’t actually care?

Although my sorrows in time will age

I know you will never be erased

And with it the overdose of rage 

Your pieces left behind, your memory

It’s the closest thing I know to eternity

That’s you Memes: forever here

In all the hearts of those who 

Hold you dear

Therefore, how could I fear?

If I know the breeze whipping my hair

Is you whispering in my ears

You’re infinite, can’t you see?

You’re here,

Living in me. 

The author's comments:

Wrote this about my grandmother after she passed. 

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