The Male Gaze | Teen Ink

The Male Gaze

November 10, 2023
By Anonymous

Dear Gender,

I question, in the depths

of a male's gaze

when our eyes meet

across the counter,

why my hands become frozen 

against the screen, ready

for an order that I cannot hear,

why my breath stills

and why I cannot breathe.

My body fails me.

A silent language tells me,

look away To the safety 

of a woman's gaze.  

In her eyes I see a mirror

of understanding even

if those eyes

may never be gentle. 

Under an old man’s 

towering frame and gaze

dissecting every 

curve and line of my body

a man who doesn’t care about the look 

of disgust that paints my face

I look down

and laugh while he’s laughing

because I feel I have to

at the compliments

on my body and smile. 

I have no choice.

Another one next in line, it’s

right out the door, it’s a game 

to see who makes me scream. 

Then blame it was me 

who showed too much skin. 

Wandering eyes. It doesn’t matter

what I wear. Baggy jeans, 

a dirty work shirt and hair untamed. 

Where is the appeal to look 

at an underage girl and

see a forbidden fruit. No shame 

in being part of the reason 

I cannot bare the thought of growing up,

to want find a man

who does not make me feel

as if I am just something to stare at.

That I am not just something to touch,

That I am more.

So I stare into a woman's gaze

one who has lived what I go through.

A mirror into my future

so many paths 

of who I will stand next to.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by my experiences as a young adolescent. This poem is one in a series that explores the internal wounds from my childhood that influence how I deal with insecurities and emotional difficulties. Each poem examines how these experiences have affected my feelings and thoughts, how I've interacted with boys and men, and the changes that I've had to make in order to fit in with society.

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