guardian angel | Teen Ink

guardian angel

November 15, 2023
By cat_dstryr BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
cat_dstryr BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t kiss you yet 

my lips will pass through your skin

You can feel my stare, burning like a cigarette

Let my smoke curl around you, no room for chagrin

I know I seem passive

My eyes glaze over, you can never break-in

I write passage after passage

Singing your praises to the masses

Although you can’t see it clearly

My love for you pulses in my chest fervently

but i’m just a ghost, your guardian angel 

my shape will shift with a shadow

Even though it doesn’t always look like it

I'm trying to love you the right way, the way a boy gets on a knee for a girl

the sun takes away my shape

I am a glistening outline in your peripheral 

my soft muttering will drape

Around you in a constant stream like ritual chanting

I look over to you, you’re shining 

Like the sun, like the stars, like fluorescent lights

I cover my eyes with my hand, your essence is blinding

I am your guardian angel, although my guarding lacks muster or might

Still I try to cradle, to hold you in the night

Although i still can’t kiss you 

My eyes take on a special shine

I hope you can see it too


I am just a ghost, your guardian angel

I can’t save you from fate, I can’t love you like I want to

My arms wrap around you, I rest my head on your back

I know I lack what you need

Yet still I breathe, lingering near you

But I wish I could grasp your face between my hands

Make you look into my eyes, make you understand 

But I am just a ghost, I have no physical presence

I have no words that you understand, or actions not born out of malevolence




Like daedalus I will build you wings out of wax and feathers

I will think I’ve done you a great service, my Icarus

But you fall in a flurry of white and dripping wax

I will watch you, timorous

My eyes wide, my mind lacks 

Any words, any thoughts; vapid like your eyes

 all I can see are your beautiful wings, of which I supplied

I can feel a single tear cling

It was my love for you, Icarus, that made you die

I will never interfere

If only for the fear

That I will do something irreversible 

Forgive me, for I will still try

To be your guardian angel

The author's comments:

I don't write a lot of love poems but I thought this one was cool enough to be submitted, let me know if you like it. 

- grace

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