The War is the World and the World is War | Teen Ink

The War is the World and the World is War

November 19, 2023
By Anonymous

I do not like death, 

let alone mass death. 

I don't like the idea 

of people dying 

because one person was sick. 

Enough want them all dead

to claim the blood stained soil 

that once grew peaceful fields. 

All life is valuable

I do not wish anyone death. 

Only that one day they see

blood that has been spilt

in their own name.

Realizing what they have done,

as they taste the bile 

rising from their stomach. 

The voices of pain 

drown their ears

till it eats them alive.

Because death,

Is too kind too fast.

For that kind of man.

Who starved their people

just to put a bullet in another

All for their own gain.

The author's comments:

For one of our assignments we had to write about an article on the news. I accidentally read the sentence 'Your opinion isn’t relevant’ as ‘Write about your opinion and whether or not it is relevant’ and the paragraph just translated well as a poem.

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