Queens and Peasants | Teen Ink

Queens and Peasants

November 23, 2023
By libraryghost PLATINUM, Lynnwood, Washington
libraryghost PLATINUM, Lynnwood, Washington
32 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one really understands each other. We're all just stuck inside ourselves." Aza, Turtles All the Way Down

Sometimes I find myself

pinching the layer of fat on 

my waist, thinking complaints, but

usually I don't find myself at all.

his last girlfriend was so much

prettier, tinier, and older too.

who am I to compare, when

he only loves the best?

my friend told me

he calls me his queen.

but I feel more like a peasant

below those beautiful girls; rulers,

that don't have time

to even look at me.

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