Toxic PCR | Teen Ink

Toxic PCR

November 29, 2023
By MinjoonKang BRONZE, Seongnam, Other
MinjoonKang BRONZE, Seongnam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the ocean's deep, a turtle swam,

Graceful and free, its life so calm,

But in its path, a plastic straw,

A foreign object, a deadly flaw.

It tried to move, it tried to flee,

But the straw held it, a prison key,

Its nostril pierced, its breath cut short,

A life in peril, a torturous retort.

The turtle struggled, it fought with might,

But the plastic straw held it tight,

Its agony felt, its pain unseen,

A silent victim of our reckless routine.

The sea that once was clear and bright,

Now a graveyard of plastic blight,

A tragedy that we must face,

A call to action we cannot replace.

Take a moment to see,

The harm we've caused.

For if we don't, the future we will find,

Is but a world of tragedy and decline.

The author's comments:

I am a junior at Saint Paul Preparatory Seoul.

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