The World We All See but Never Say Aloud | Teen Ink

The World We All See but Never Say Aloud

November 30, 2023
By BombasticMech BRONZE, Newtownabbey, Other
BombasticMech BRONZE, Newtownabbey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life of Lies I've been living,
Court of Justice filled with affairs,
I start to question my ways of behaving,
Yet still to touch no one dares.

Questions asked but never answered,
Let them go they all say,
Countries ruled by vicious dictators,
Why on earth do they let him stay?

These are questions always asked,
Yet the answers float away,
Things that matter they don't show care,
Ourselves however can change today.

I hope to think this is true,
But hope never seems to matter,
When people are asked to change or ignore,
they always choose the latter.

My words I hope will be heard,
But "Will they?" I always ask,
Our opinions should always be open,
Thoughts should never be masked.

But today will be the same as tomorrow,
And yesterday was the same as today,
Saying our words clearly doesn't help,
We have to find another way...

The author's comments:

I'm a young writer who's from Northern Ireland who always thinks about the world in a negative way. I always think to myself, "Why should we think about the world positively when it's not all sunshine and flowers." I tried to portray this in the poem by disagreeing with previous lines/making you think that there's hope, before stating this is untrue

This poem is meant to represent anything and everything wrong with the world, along with dedicating half of the poem to how difficult it is to say these things and how even after these things are said, the world just moves on, like nothing ever happened. This is also partially proved by the fact I spent this whole day trying to find a place to publish my work, but couldn't either because of deadlines, age, location or themes.

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